Charlotte, North Carolina, is a fun city to visit, from restaurants to Panther Stadium to clubs and bars, but every year in the month of June, thousands gather at the Charlotte Convention Center for Heroes Con. One of the biggest conventions in North Carolina, where you can meet some of your favorite comic book writers and artists, show off the cosplay you have been working on, and shop until you drop.
Comic book stores like A. Pennyworth Comics, Ultimate Comics, and of course Heroes Aren't Hard To Find Comics set up mini shops, replica cars such as Ecto-1 from Ghostbusters, The Mystery Machine from Scooby-Doo, and "Baby" the 1967 Chevrolet Impala from Supernatural are on display and for a charity donation, you might be able to sit in some of them. The owners of the cars are all great people who are willing to tell con-goers about their vehicles and why they are so passionate about each franchise.
Mootyvision, Johnie_5, and Nerd.0 cosplay group, just to name a few, all walked the con floor taking pictures with everyone who asked. Comic book writers and artists such as Marcus Williams, Greg Burnham, Glenn Urieta, and Gene E. Willoughby II all signed books and took pictures with fans of their work. Heroes Con also has a great after-party on the first night where artists get together for Drink and Draw to raise money for Team Cul De Sac and Parkinson's Research. It's a great time to mingle with peers, while a live band plays and money is raised for great causes.
When asked most con-goers say the best part about Heroes Con is being around like-minded people. People who fans of comic books, anime, and cosplay. One cosplayer was quoted as saying, "My favorite part about Heroes Con is I'm with my people. I don't feel alone and I can totally be myself." Vendors, artists, and writers at the con state the fans and co-goers are their favorite part of Heroes Con.
Heroes Con was paused for two years and came back with a big bang by celebrating their 40th anniversary. The convention that started at a mall is now the most anticipated convention in North Carolina. The Charlotte Convention Center is filled with vendors, artists, writers, and cosplayers, plus panels to attend. People travel far and wide to attend Hereoes Con and if you are interested in attending or maybe even participating in any of the con's events check out Heroes Con website for more details and updates.